Tag Archives: blog

Of interest to my classmates

I thought some of my classmates would be interested in these for our Writing for the Web class.

First, when it comes to finding exactly where the lines of reality blur in the election campaign, there’s FactCheck.org. This is an unaffiliated website, part of the Annenberg Foundation, that fact-checks just about everything involving the political landscape, from campaign ads to the latest rumours about McCain or Obama in your inbox. From their website:

“There’s slime in your inbox, attack ads on TV and falsehoods on the radio. Welcome to election season.”

Want to know if Obama really voted for killing unborn babies, or if McCain supported loan guarantees for the auto industry? Check it out.


Second is Rocketboom. I know this one’s been around a while, but in case you haven’t heard of it, it’s one of the most popular and successful vlogs (video blogs) on the net. It blends news with absurdity, opinion, and fluff, and sometimes the stretches they make to be clever and trendy test my patience, but with an anchor that looks like that I’ll forgive some lolcats references.

The reason I’ll most likely get an MBA or law degree:

Definitely feeling this quote from the 2008 Webbies website:

“Honor. Prestige. Wealth. These are some of the things that a Bloggie won’t bring you.”

Let’s be honest; writing today is not the same as it was twenty years ago, or even a year ago. Print journalism is on its way out, and more and more people depend on the Internet for their news. This has, of course, brought up a whole debate on the reliability, credibility, and integrity of Average Joe and his keyboard. But that’s for another blog post, or even another blog, because it’s been done many, many times.

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